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As part of Carr Hill’s ‘We are Reading Challenge’ we have created a number of ‘student author’ posts. The work of our student authors will regularly be shared on the website, in editions of our school magazine and other communication channels. In the fourth of our student author contributions Year 10 Luke shares the prologue to his story, Agent 16. Thank you, Luke.

It should have been easy, he got there first. It was a walk in the park, literately, because it was midnight the park was quiet. He sat down on the bench, if someone was there they would see him as a mysterious stranger who must be doing something wrong. However, everyone in his profession would have called it a sloppy job.

The person he was meeting certainly thought so, usually when he met someone they would pull a gun out after they had a conversation. But instead the person he was meeting, a sixty-year-old called John Shun, already had a gun and ready was aiming at him.

“Any last words?” He didn’t even give him a chance to answer. The gun fired twelve times in total, all of them hit glass just in front of him. John didn’t even notice because as his last shot hit the wall, he fell to the floor.

Behind him a drone with a taser attached to it. In the man’s hand, a piece of bullet proof glass which covered his face and body. He stood up and put the glass down, clearly taking his time. He then started recording on his phone.

“Its 2016, us agents use drones, I am surprised as well that a billionaire comes alone to a park at midnight. I am not going to tell any jokes, you have been financing terrorists for too long. Where are they? Who else is funding them?”

He was going to ask him another question, but he saw a red dot on his tie. He analysed the skyscrapers facing him; John had got up and was searching for more drones.

“Guess I was wrong, you are full of tricks, do I detect a British accent.” John now knew he would get away. They were in New York, Britain was thousands of miles away. “I guess you have a bullet proof vest,” He pulled out his phone, “aim for the head.”

The red dot moved to his head. The agent put his hands on his head, smiling.

“What know, do you have an exploding watch or invisible gun?”

Suddenly John’s phone started yelling, “Something’s on us.”

John, twitched, his face had a sudden spark of anger but disappeared quickly. John squeezed his phone, “Send it.”

“You have been clever, very clever, but now you will have to go. You will have heard of me, of course, I own one of the biggest tech companies, I also make weapons. Your going to get a demonstration. Not many people will die, good thing I called the cops. Should be coming any minute.”

The helicopter in which the sniper was on landed on the grass. John walked up to it and got on, he looked back at the agent and it was his turn to smile.

Above him the sky exploded, clouds covered in an explosion that would terrify everyone. If they could see it. No sound at all was heard as they arrested agent 16.

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