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Year 12 and Year 13 students recently spent the afternoon with members of the Army Outreach Team as part of the Sixth Form Centre’s new enrichment programme. 

The Army Outreach Team visited the school and set students a series of challenges encouraging them to work in groups to solve problems and complete tasks as a collective. The enrichment activity aimed to develop pupils’ leadership, resilience, grit and determination as well as putting them through a series of tasks consisting of physical and mental activities which all required team work and communication skills. These activities also helped students learn the importance of problem-solving and perseverance.   

The Enrichment Programme has launched this year and is open to all Year 12 and 13 students. The programme gives students the opportunity to develop skills, earn qualifications and build up a portfolio of evidence of extra-curricular work- something which will be invaluable when applying for universities, apprenticeships or employment. 

The programme is overseen by the sixth Form’s Enrichment Coordinator, Mrs Craig. Mrs Craig said: “We have events taking place weekly throughout the year. All of them are different and provide students with the opportunity to learn something new in a fun and challenging environment.

“Our students want to go on and do a whole host of different things after they leave sixth form and the enrichment programme is about helping them standout for the right reasons. As we know competition is tough for apprenticeships, universities places and employment, at the end of the enrichment programme our students will have a wide range of transferable skills which they can use to help them get noticed."   

Videos from the event are available on the school's Instagram page. Click on the Instagram icon at the top of the home page to see the videos and photos. 

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