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Pupils from Treales, Ribby with Wrea, Strike Lane and St.Josephs have been taking part in workshops run by Carr Hill staff and students.

Students took part in the activity, which involved learning about maths and measuring, whilst exploring their natural artistic ability. Each school had a three hour workshop which involved looking at degrees in a circle and how many they would need to measure to break it into six equal portions-creating a hexagon. Once they had done this they looked at the shapes and special qualities of tessellation-the students then folded a variety of shapes to work out their axes or lines of symmetry. Pupils were inspired to create their own rotational piece by contemporary artist Damien Hirst, who uses symmetry and rotation in his Butterflies series of work.

Students also looked at Dean Crouser, who uses pen and water, watercolours and splash effect and Poul Beckmann, who is a bug photographer. Pupils used a selection of real bugs and images of bugs and butterflies to gain inspiration before drawing detailed bugs which were put onto card triangles. Once they had finished their drawings they used a pen and a water wash worked over, the final touches of watercolour- flicked, splashed and blown- added colour and excitement to their design. The triangles were copied 6 times in order to create the rotation, each hexagon was an individual piece of artwork and also a whole class tessellation of artwork. At the end of the workshop pupils completed a quiz on the activities and analysed their chosen artists.

Headteacher at Treales Primary School, Mr Weeden, said: “The children had an incredible time. It really was a fabulous opportunity for our pupils and I really am grateful to you for setting precious time aside to provide it. Many thanks also to the students who came out to greet our pupils. They were extremely welcoming and polite - a real credit to the school.

Assistant Headteacher, Mr Hall, said: "Thank you for the great art session. The children enjoyed the experience and the work is displayed in class." 

Art Teacher Mrs Williams said: “The workshops were a huge success and it was a pleasure to have the primary school pupils at Carr Hill. I would like to thank our student Art Ambassadors who did a fantastic job helping the younger students and making each workshop lots of fun.” 

art Primary

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