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Report and photographs by student Sporting Elite Media Officer, Jack
The annual Sport Relief charity campaign took place from 18th to 20th March 2016 and Carr Hill High School and Sixth Form Centre got involved!  Students completed the Sport Relief Mile by running or walking a mile of the school field.

The PE department ran the event during PE lessons and students had the opportunity to get sponsored for doing the Sport Relief Mile. At first it was students in the lower years - 7, 8 and 9- who were involved in the charity event. Students wore bright and eccentric clothes, onesies and fancy dress costumes such as Woody from Toy Story. PE teacher Mr Doughty took part in the mile charity event and even dressed up as Captain America.

The Sixth Form students were also involved and on Monday 21st March, during Period 5, Year 12 students had the opportunity to participate and earn money for charity. It was a great chance for the Sixth Form Committee as members are always eager to get involved in charity work.There was also a competition held for the Best Dressed and the most money raised

Although there were a lot of students participating, two students in Sixth Form went the extra mile. Jess and Emily wore onesies for the mile. It was great to see such enthusiasm from the older students. The girls who finished the mile first for Sixth Form where Indiya, Jordan and Danielle. Meanwhile, Dominic was the first boy to finish the mile run.

Year 12 Jess, who participated in the charity event, said: “It was a good and easy way to raise money for charity! Furthermore, it was a good way to have fun. I felt proud of myself and for everyone for raising money!”

Sports Partnership and Academies Officer, Mr Doughty said: “I am extremely proud of all the pupils who participated in the Sport Relief Mile and raised money for Sport Relief 2016. It was a tremendous effort and to raise over £3,000 is absolutely remarkable. It just shows that we have a superb cohort of pupils who are keen to get involved and make a difference. It’s been a hectic week in PE lessons but it’s been totally worth it. A huge well done again to everybody that took part.”

Overall, the school has raised £3,426.84 for Sport Relief! This is an incredible amount of money and it will definitely help those who need it. Well done to all the students who participated in the mile run and for raising a lot of money! 

Sport Relief

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