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The Dance Academy is led by Year 13 and Assistant Director, Amy. Following Amy is the Captain, Year 12 student, Maiya. This year’s Vice Captain is Year 11, Eliza. Also present in the Dance Academy where Year 13 students, Chloe, Nicola, Emma, Sophie, Ayse and Natasha. Year 11’s include Lauren, Rebecca, Francesca, Sydney, Vicki, Danielle and Ella-Grace.

This year’s performances were ‘Historical Pieces’ and Carr Hill did their dance performance on the volcanic eruption in Pompeii. The title of their performance was called, ‘Turn to Stone,’ which describes what happened to those affected by the volcanic eruption. To coincide with the performance the dancers were dressed to impress in their costumes. They wore costumes based on those worn by women living in Pompeii. However, they didn’t stop there, the dancers sprayed their hair grey and had grey on their skin, which symbolised the dancers turning to stone. They danced to Sia’s new hit song, Alive. The dance was choreographed by Assistant Director, Amy.

The dancers have been rehearsing for the dance festival as well as Carr Hill’s production of West Side Story so the dancers have had to be dedicated for the past couple of months to pull off a remarkable performance.

In the rehearsal for the piece it was clear that Amy had showcased all of the dancers’ strengths and they were able to fill the whole stage, it was amazing to see it in person. The piece was fluent and fast paced and the dancers did a fantastic job because the emotion on their faces matched the emotion of Sia’s vocals in Alive. At the start of the performance Maiya danced on her own before being joined by her fellow Dance Academy members. Another central person in the dance was Amy, who delivered some slick dance moves. One of the best moments in the dance was when Vice Captain, Eliza, had to climb on top of the dancers backs and use them as steps. It was amazing because it required great team work and chemistry to get it right! Year 13, Ayse was brilliant too in her solo and delivered some delightful dance moves.

Before the dancers went onto the stage for the actual performance they had to get dressed into their costumes, get their hair done and get their makeup done. Teamwork was going on backstage in the holding room as well as there where stations for all the girls. Maiya and other girls helped the dancers get their hair done. Amy and Ayse were on makeup duty doing different aspects between them. Meanwhile, the teachers were in charge of putting grey paint onto their skin and hair, which made them look like they were made of stone!

Then it was time for the actual performance and Carr Hill was one of, if not the best of the night! It was a flawless dance with so much effort put into it. The performance started with Maiya and her fantastic dance moves and then came the rest of the academy. It was one tight unit, all the dancers were in time with one another and no one looked out of place. Ayse’s solo was again amazing to see.

Then when it came to the conclusion of the dance, it looked amazing. All the dancers looked up and fell to the floor and Amy was left on her knees with her hands in the air, as if the volcano had just erupted. After they had finished, the crowd erupted into applause! It was an incredible dance with an important meaning behind it. It wasn’t just a dance, it was a story and the dancers displayed it amazing on stage! Well done to all the girls, it was an amazing performance. A big well done to Miss O’Connor for her amazing teaching and direction and Amy’s talented choreographing!

Year 11 and Vice Captain, Eliza said: “I was so excited to perform in the Winter Gardens! It is a great opportunity for us as dancers to showcase our talents in front of a big audience. I was nervous before performing.

“It was great to perform with the Year 13 dancers. It was a super team builder because this is our first performance as a group! Amy did a great job at choreographing it.”

Year 11, Francesca said: “I was very confident before performing and I was excited too because I was able to perform with the academy. It was great to perform with fellow Year 11 peer, Sydney. However, I did enjoy performing with everyone in the academy!

“The academy performs well together because our performances flow and work well. The choreography of the dance piece was done really well because it was able to create a capturing piece based on Pompeii. I loved wearing our costumes because they linked well with our piece!”

Well done to the Year 11 dancers, you all looked professional and confident for your first performance as a group. Congratulations to the Year 13 dancers for being great ambassadors for the Sixth Form and for a wonderful final performance for most!

dance festival 2015

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