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On Friday evening the pupils took part in a variety of activities including orienteering and football. After working up an appetite pupils had supper together in the venue’s Pavillion.

 The following day students took part in two very different but equally beneficial activities. With the group split in two, one group of students tried their hand at the zip wire before taking part in kayaking on the purpose built lake. The other group completed a numeracy session with Mike Conlon and after lunch the groups swapped.

Year 7 Jordan said: "The trip was loads of fun. I tried new things and learnt stuff at the same time. There were some students who are in some of my classes but I hadn't spoken to them before. On the trip I was in a group with them and now we have become good friends."

Headteacher Mr Waller attended the trip. He said: “The students were able to create new friendships whilst developing team building skills, having fun and learning different things. The students who attended told us how much they enjoyed the weekend and it was a pleasure to be able to offer them this extra-curricular opportunity.” 

Hothersall Lodge 2015


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