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Parents and carers involved in these meetings received information in the post about the topics to be covered. In addition, an information booklet about the chromebook scheme was also attached to last week’s E-Letter.

The launch meeting included information about:

  • Changes to the Curriculum in England, target setting and tracking which affects your son/daughter
  • Our Chromebook Scheme for Year 7 and Year 9 students from January 2016
  • Advice on helping children stay safe online

Below are the documents provided by the school regarding these changes. Should parents and carers have any further questions they are advised to contact the school.   

Launch Meeting Presentation Year 7 

Launch Meeting Presentation Year 9

Social Networking Sites 

Chromebook Information Leaflet

Operatio EncompassWe are ReadingLancashire County Council National Online SafetyLancashire Skills Pledge Member 2020Inclusion Quality Mark's Inclusive School Award