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The photo was taken from three stories high and involved students from across all six colleges. Students were given a copy of the photo as a memento of their first week at secondary school.

Headteacher Mr Waller said: “I’m pleased with how well our new Year 7 students are settling in to school life. I’ve received lots of positive comments from students, parents, carers and staff alike. It’s been a wonderful start to their time at the school and I look forward to seeing them flourish over the next seven years.”    

Year 7 Kendall, who is in Juno College, said: “It’s been really good starting a new school. Lessons and mentor time have been fun. The older students have been helpful showing me where my lessons are.”

Whilst fellow new starter Joe, who is in Ceres College, said: “My first week has been exciting. I’ve made new friends and got to know my teachers. The school has a good, friendly feel. It’s a happy place to be and people care about you.” 

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