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The students undertook market research, made decisions about price points and prepared and distributed bespoke sandwiches to staff at Carr Hill High School. 

Leo, Catherine, Dawid, Lucy, Rhys and Emily, who are all in Year 8, demonstrated entrepreneurial spirit and determination which resulted in them raising £70 for those impacted by the natural disaster.   

Year 8 Leo said: “We have enjoyed fund raising. It was hard work but worth it to help the poor people who have lost their families, homes and businesses in the earthquake.” 

Mrs Barton, who has been helping the students with this project, said: The Year 8 students would like to thank all the staff for supporting their efforts. We are delighted to announce the overall amount raised stands at £70.00 which will be doubled by Exodus Travel based in Katmandu when donated via their website. 

“A special mention should go to the cleaning staff who donated their collection of ‘found coins’, amounting to over £15 to the appeal! The Year 8 students would also like to say thank you to Year 12 student Ashley for his help publicising the appeal.”

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