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Carr Hill High School & Sixth Form Centre has marked the success of its top performing students at a spectacular end of year awards evening.

Delighted students from Year 7 to Year 10 have been recognised for a wealth of achievements, including exemplary behaviour and 100 per cent attendance, at the awards evening held at nearby Ribby Hall. 

The event, which was attended by students, students’ families and friends and school staff, involved the presentation of over 100 awards to pupils from all six of the school’s colleges. College Leaders from the six colleges: Apollo, Ceres, Juno, Mercury, Minerva and Poseidon each presented a selection of awards; sharing with guests the reasons each student has been put forward to receive an award.

Students were not only noticed for their overall commitment and dedication to school life but also their contribution to individual subjects. Staff from each subject nominated a student who had excelled in lessons and proved a real commitment to learning. The school also announced the Students of Year for 2015/16. These are prestigious roles given to one student in each college every year.

Year 10 pupil Lauren, was awarded Student of the Year for Apollo. She also picked up awards for her efforts in her French lessons and her achievement of no demerits in the four years she has attended Carr Hill High School. Lauren, who was joined by her parents at the awards ceremony, said: “I was happy and surprised to pick up these awards. It was wonderful to be recognised for my hard work throughout this year.”

Upon gaining their award students receive a badge, to be worn on their blazer, and a certificate. Year 9 student Sam was another of the many students to receive an award at the event and was delighted when he was recognised for his efforts in ICT. Sam said: “ICT is my favourite subject so I was really pleased to win the award for this subject. I like having the chance to wear the badge on my blazer too as it makes you feel proud and unique.”

Deputy Headteacher Miss Jordinson said: “This event is about celebrating the success of students from across the school. As the awards include pupils from each college the school is able to share successes with a wider group of students, parents, carers and staff. The event is very much about the whole school community and coming together to recognise the great things are students are achieving every day.”

Tags: Minerva, Apollo, Poseidon, Juno, Mercury, Ceres, Logic, Innovation, Expression, Creativity, Culture, Discovery

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