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Year 9 students waited outside the school hall to collect the results of their internal exams. Pupils were joined by many of their subject teachers, who were keen to celebrate with them.

Students eagerly opened envelopes containing their results and shared their achievements with friends and teachers. The results show the progress pupils have made this year. They also help the school to make decisions regarding set placements for Year 10 and ensure that students will begin the most suitable GCSE courses for them next year

Year 9 student Eve gained three A grades, alongside some impressive Key Stage 3 Levels. Eve said: “I wasn’t expecting to get three As so that has shocked me. I now want to keep this up for the next two years and keep improving before my GCSE exams.”

Fellow student Sam opened his envelope to find a great set of results, including a Distinction* in Computer Studies and an A* in Computer Science. Sam said: “I feel amazing and a bit surprised too.”

Sam’s friend Chris also achieved some impressive grades including an A in History and an A* in Computer Science. Chris said: “I was relieved when I saw my results as I have been nervous. These results have made me feel more confident about my GCSEs.”

Assistant Headteacher Ms Hilton said: “I would like to congratulate Year 9 on this great set on results. We were all very impressed with the mature attitude and organisation of the students, who had clearly listened to and read the exam information beforehand. They knew where they were sitting and what they could and couldn’t take in with them. It is excellent practice for their exams over the next two years and beyond.”

Year 9 celebrate impressive exam results

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