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A Carr Hill student has been spending his time at a local Infantry Museum uncovering the history behind some of the county’s World War One and World War Two veterans.

Year 13 student Warwick has been visiting the Lancashire Infantry Museum as part of his Workskills since September 2014. Whilst there Warwick, who has a particular interest in military history, has been researching a number of war veterans including Lieutenant Colonel George Crosfield.

Whilst looking into Lieutenant Colonel George Crosfield’s history Warwick discovered a number of interesting pieces of information. This information included photos of the veteran on a trip to Germany which took place four years before the war started. Warwick discovered that during this trip Lieutenant Colonel George Crosfield met Hitler. The ex-serviceman was also responsible for bringing one of the first X-ray machines back to the UK.

Warwick said: “I enjoy going to the museum each week as I like the atmosphere and discovering new bits of information. I have found out lots about different ex-servicemen and even got to hold a Victoria Cross.”

Warwick, who researches alongside a number of the museum’s volunteers, starts off with a set of medals belonging to a certain veteran and then uses the internet, files and records to piece together the history of that particular individual.

Warwick said: “The museum appreciate my efforts. It feels good to know that if anyone is looking for information about the people I have been researching they will be able to find out more because of what I have discovered.”

Mrs Atherton has been accompanying Warwick to the Lancashire Infantry Museum and the Museum of Lancashire each week since December 2014.Mrs Atherton said: “Warwick has done a fanatic job of uncovering the stories behind some of the veteran’s medals. Warwick has a great knowledge of World War One and World War Two and this has helped him to find out lots of new information. I’m proud of what he has achieved and I’m sure the things he has discovered will be of interest to the many people who visit the Lancashire Infantry Museum.”

Warwick’s investigative work has impressed staff at the museum and will soon be on display so that visitors can learn more about the ex-servicemen he has been researching.

Student uncovers the stories behind local World War Veterans

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