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A group of Carr Hill students, who have been taking part in a News School Report programme organised by the BBC, have been personally contacted by the organisation as staff were ‘hugely impressed’ with the pupils efforts.

With the help of Media teacher Miss Town, students across all year groups have signed up to take part in the BBC News School Report programme. The pupils have been reporting on a number of different stories over the school year and were delighted to receive an email from a BBC Broadcast Assistant personally thanking them.

The BBC Broadcast Assistant said: “I thoroughly enjoyed reading all of your reports and was hugely impressed with the variety of topics covered by your students. They were well-written and structured, your students should be hugely proud of their work.”

The BBC News School Report gives students the chance to create their own news report for a real audience. Pupils then have their written or broadcast work published on a website linked with Carr Hill and the BBC.  Pupils have produced news articles or broadcasts based on both current news and issues that matter to them.

The students involved have also earned a badge for their ‘content’ awarded by the BBC Computing Challenge as they completed challenge 1 for web design.

Year 7 student Toby has been taking part in the BBC News School Report for a number of months and joined because he enjoys writing. He said: “I like the BBC News School Report because you can write about whatever interests you. I have written about the general election, animal based issues and lots more.”

Media teacher Miss Town said: “I’ve been delighted to discover that so many of our students are keen journalists. They have produced many relevant, interesting articles and it’s clear that a lot of thought has gone into the content of the news articles and broadcasts. I hope to see many of the same students take part in the programme next year. I would also encourage other pupils with an interest in learning more about the media and journalism to join us as this is a great platform to develop and showcase skills to wider audience.”

The school will be taking part in the BBC News School Report 2016 when it returns next year.

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