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Charity organisation the Friends of Carr Hill has raised over £250 for the school following a second hit fashion show attended by parents, carers, students and staff.

Guests flocked to the fashion show, keen to grab a bargain from the many big name high street brand items on offer all of which were a fraction of the usual cost. The first fashion show fundraising event took place in October 2014 and, following on from a successful event, a second fundraiser was scheduled for May.

At the event guests could also browse stalls showcasing items from local businesses. There was everything from handmade sweet treats to garden nursery items including hanging baskets and planters as well as unique jewellery, cards for every occasion and a Body Shop stall. Whilst there was also free hair up and make-up trials on offer, a large raffle and a selection of refreshments.

The event took place in the school’s main hall and the fashion show was run by an external company which provided a presenter and models. Instead of taking to the runway the models walked around tables which had been set out for guests. This gave people the chance to see the items close up and feel the quality of each product before deciding to try the item on and eventually buy.

As with all of the Friends of Carr Hill fundraisers the aim of the event was to raise money to be put back into the school.  The Chair of the Friends of Carr Hill High School is Krystyna Croasdale. Krystyna and her fellow members were delighted with the outcome of the event. She said: “We are pleased so many people came to support this event and thank everyone who attended from our guests to our stall holders to all the volunteers and school staff who helped out.”

Additional Information

The Friends of Carr Hill host a number of fundraisers throughout the year and members are present at most school events. However parents and carers can also support the charity by signing up to Easy fundraising, providing donations for the school at no cost and without leaving home. Once signed up shoppers simply access their chosen shop online via the easyfundrasing site.  This means a donation direct to the school will automatically be made with any purchase at no cost to the buyer. Find out more by following the link below.

If you would like to become involved with the Friends of Carr Hill, please get in touch via email:

Fashion fans raise funds for school charity

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