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As the Summer Term comes to an end Carr Hill High School host an evening for new Parents and students. The event comes after a full year of working with primary schools in the local area to help ensure that year 6 students experience a smooth transition from primary to secondary school.

This year was particularly successful as 91 per cent of all new parents and students attended the event. Having visited the school a number of times throughout the year the students and parents are invited to the New Parents’ Evening. During the evening guests are given the opportunity to meet staff and current students. Parents and children attend a welcome presentation with speeches from the Head and Assistant Head and they also meet their college leader and mentor.

Pupils from the student leadership team, including the Head Boy, the Head Girl and the Junior College Leaders are introduced and many prepare presentations about life as a student at Carr Hill High School. New starters can also purchase their college tie as well as essentials, such as stationery, that they will need come September.

The event is one of the last in a series of transitional activities that Carr Hill High School provide to local primary school children. By this point  in the year students will have been visited by Carr Hill High School staff in their own schools and visited the school a number of times for experience days, giving them the opportunity to gain an understanding of the educational and social aspects of the school. As a result the pupils who attend the New Parents’ Evening are excited and looking forward to starting their education at Carr Hill High School in September.

Tom Bickerstaffe is one of those students. A keen rugby player, with a sister already attending the school, Tom can’t wait to join Ceres College later this year. Tom said: “I have been playing rugby since I was five and I really want to play for the school team. I think it will be a good way to make friends and work in a team.”

Charlotte Day and her mum were so impressed with Carr Hill High School that they have chosen it as opposed to other more local secondary schools. Ms Day said: “We were impressed with the exam results the school achieves year on year, in addition to the pastoral care system which in my opinion is second to none.”

Charlotte, who will be the only student joining Carr Hill High School from her Primary School, is excited about making new friends. Charlotte, who is currently at Stanley Primary School, said: “I want to join lots of clubs and meet lots of new friends. I like the school a lot and I’m looking forward to coming in September.”

New starter Marco Amin will join his older sister Jasmin who is currently in year 7. Jasmin moved from another local school to Carr Hill High School earlier this year and she has since been very happy.

11 year old Terree McMahon will follow in the footsteps of her mum and step dad who both attended Carr Hill High School as teenagers. Ms McMahon said: “The school has improved a lot over the years and I’m really impressed with what I have seen. Carr Hill High School has a great reputation and I know Terree will be very happy here.”

Mrs McKeon, Assistant Headteacher, is responsible running the support programme for new students during their transition from primary school to Carr Hill High School.

Mrs McKeon said: “As a school we work very hard to ensure that all new pupils and parents are given all the support and information they need ahead of starting at Carr Hill High School. Moving from primary school to secondary school can be daunting for students but we work hard to ensure that any anxieties are dealt with prior to the students’ arrival.

The 91 per cent turn out we received for this year’s New Parents’ Evening speaks for itself and demonstrates how useful and important it is for the school to run informative events like this.”

The year 6 students will be visiting the school again on Tuesday 1st July for their final experience day before joing Carr Hill on the 6th September.

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Carr Hill sees a record number of parents and students at the New Parents’ Evening

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