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As part of Carr Hill’s ‘We are Reading Challenge’ we have created a number of 'student author’ posts. The work of our student authors will regularly be shared on the website, in editions of our school magazine and other communication channels. In the next of our student author contributions Year 10 Benjamin shares the next chapter of his story-The Assassin’s Last Victims; Part Five. Thank you, Benjamin.


He stormed back into the private staff interview room and angrily shouted, “WHY is there a police car outside this hotel? It is ruining my investigation to find the assassin!” Detective Havel acknowledged, “Yes, that is because I and my team are taking over this investigation, the British Protection Agency has given it to me personally.” Detective Havel brings out a sheet of paper signed by Alex Younger, Head of British Protection Agency.

Shortly after a long conversation, with his boss Alex Younger he backed out of the private staff interview room embarrassed and headed quickly down the spiral staircase. After that, had cooled down, he walked over to the changing rooms and changed into a black stealth hoodie with Force 10 RS Cargo pants and Mountain Light Stark Boots with black and gold aviators. He was a spy for the British Government and his target was to find the golden small cryptex. He thought loudly, “They don’t know who my real identity is, because I'm Alex Younger, Head of British Protection Agency.”

His plan was, to break into the Head of Security’s office room and override the locking system for his hotel room and loop the security footage so no-one spots him. No longer is the door open, no bright light comes from the hallway. No handle, no way out. Four concrete walls, a linoleum floor, a toilet with no paper and a bare mattress - this “seclusion room” is a prison cell by another name. A steel-blue gown falls to my knee, fabric distressed by so much wear yet still rough.

He expeditiously dashed, over to the Head of Security’s office room. There was a large dark toned man wearing a black t-shirt, with a bullet proof vest and stab protection, also with black cargo pants with dark navy-blue army boots with golden laces. The man had a strong fluent Australian accent with a hint of a British accent. The man had a black combat tactical assault rifle holster with a camouflaged green and brown colored Famas F1 burst assault rifle. It had a silencer with it. Also, the man had leather holster on both sides with duel silenced QSZ-92 Chinese hand guns.  How is he going to get passed him? Whilst, he was thinking studious trying to figure out how he can get passed the man and he had an idea.

About half an hour later, he then had a brilliant idea, that if he got Tamara to distract him by using her sexy looking beautiful body then he could sneak into the Head of Security’s office room and loop the security tapes. Tamara King was wearing a dark blood red fabulous gown with matching small high heels. Also, Tamara had a large ruby heart necklace with matching diamond and ruby earrings, also with a large expensive pink diamond engagement ring.


Operatio EncompassWe are ReadingLancashire County Council National Online SafetyLancashire Skills Pledge Member 2020Inclusion Quality Mark's Inclusive School Award