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Haidee was motivated to contact Mark Menzies MP when her parents received a letter from her siblings’ primary school stating their school budget had been cut dramatically. Concerned about the future for her siblings and their peers, Haidee wrote a letter detailing her concerns and giving examples of how the reduction in funding would impact young people in her area.

Haidee, who has also written to the Prime Minister about her concerns regarding fracking, said: “I felt that it was important to speak out and make sure people understand the result of school funding reductions. I don’t think it is fair that students should lose out on things like after school clubs.”

Assistant Headteacher Ms Hilton- Peet said: “Haidee is a shining example to all. I think it is brilliant that she is keeping up to date with politics and the impact it can have on our lives. Not only that, she is also trying to do something about the things that concern her. Well done, Haidee.”

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