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Maths and English students had the opportunity to travel to Harrogate International Conference Centre last week for two subject conferences designed to help them revise.

The students, who will all be taking GCSE examinations this year, were offered the opportunity to attend the conference run by the not-for-profit Educational Organisation, Partners in Excellence (PiXL), as they continue to prepare for their exams.

The conferences covered a range of topics including useful tips for revision and how to tackle the examination papers on the day. Deputy Headteacher Miss Jordinson said, “As a school we are committed to providing our students with opportunities that go above and beyond to ensure they go into the exams feeling confident and well prepared.  We have run this trip for several years and found it to be extremely useful for our students, particularly those who perhaps doubt their ability or struggle with confidence.  I have no doubt that the experience has been a positive one for them and I hope they feel better equipped as a result”.

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