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Students in Year 7 and Year 8 have had the opportunity to experience google expeditions, a 3D and 360° virtual tour, using Google cardboard.

The training was organised by geography staff and gave pupils the chance to virtually visit a range of locations around China (the topic they are currently studying) including the Great wall of China and Beijing. The classes were taught by Carr Hill staff who were using an iPad to control what students could see through visual glasses. Staff could act as a “guide” to lead the class through collections of 360° and 3D images while pointing out interesting sights along the way.

Year 7 Pawel said: “The class was something completely new and different to any other lessons.”

Fellow Year 7 Sam said: “When we were using the glasses it felt like we were in the places our teacher was taking about. It was the best geography lesson I’ve ever had.”

Head of the Humanities Faculty Mrs McMurtrie said: “We were delighted to secure a visit from Google Expeditions as the technology they use is so innovative allowing our staff to deliver a completely new lesson experience. The students got so much from the lessons and the visual aid certainly enhanced their learning. I would like to thank staff from Google for helping our staff to be able to provide these exciting lessons to Year 7 and Year 8.”

To find out more about Google expeditions and to download the app visit:

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