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A group of Year 11 boys have been personally thanked by the daughter of an elderly lady who had a fall in Kirkham town centre. The boys were praised by the lady’s daughter after they called an ambulance, covered her up with their coats, made sure she had her purse and other belongings and stayed with her until the ambulance arrived.

The daughter, Mrs Goodson, visited the school recently to thank Ben, Cameron, Kristaps, Alex and Renats for looking after her mother. Mrs Goodson said: “I’m so grateful for the kindness and help these boys showed that day so I wanted to meet them and thank them personally.”

Headteacher, Mr Waller, said: “These students acted quickly and appropriately to ensure the injured lady felt as safe and comfortable as possible. The whole school community is very proud of Ben, Cameron, Kristaps, Alex and Renats.”   

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