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A group of Year 11 students recently spent the weekend in Settle and Malham collecting data for their GCSE Controlled assessment task. The trip involved a night walk, gathering and analysing research  and visiting a waterfall and famous limestone pavement.

Pupils began the trip investigating accessibility in Settle by conducting questionnaires, car park surveys, shop surveys and field sketches. This activity was followed by a trip to the Field Studies Centre on the edge of Malham tarn- whilst here students processed some of the data collected from Settle.

As the evening drew in pupils embarked on a night hike listening out for bats and spotting some of the Tarn’s glacial features by the light of the full moon. The final day was spent walking four and a half miles round Malham which gave Year 11’s the chance to see Janet’s Foss Waterfall and the famous limestone pavement.

Faculty Leader Mrs McMurtrie said: “The GCSE Controlled assessment task was an excellent opportunity for our Year 11 students to gain an understanding of how research is collected and analysed in a real life scenario. Collecting the data also enabled students to develop their communication and team work skills. The remainder of the trip allowed student to discover local wildlife and natural landmarks-experiences they will be able to draw on as they complete this course.”  

Geography GCSE Trip


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