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Year 7 Phoebe and Year 8 Alice took part in a team ball routine which included three other club members. The group came 4th out of 16 teams at the group seeding competition last month earning them a well-deserved place at the British Gymnastic Championships where they will compete with other Juniors (12-15 year olds) from top clubs across the country.

Year 7 Phoebe, who took up gymnastics in August 2015 but has already made fantastic progress, said: “Learning the routine was hard to first but it got easier and I liked competing in a group.”

Year 8 Alice also competes as an individual and recently took part in the North West championships. Alice won an incredible seven golds and one silver medal. She was awarded the North West Under 13's Champion title with a shield. In addition to this, Alice has passed British Qualification Testing, so also has the opportunity to compete at the British Gymnastic Championships as an individual too. Alice competed against 13-15 year old girls with 51 girls from across Great Britain tested and Alice being one of only 15 to pass. 

Alice, who would like to be an Olympic athlete,  said: “I’m so happy that we have qualified as a group and I hope I can compete as an individual too.”

Headteacher Mr Waller said: “We would like to congratulate Phoebe and Alice on their achievements and wish them success at the next stage of the competition.”


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