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A group of Year 10's spent the day at Oxford University meeting students, discovering the facilities, touring the grounds and enjoying a taster lecture.

The trip was designed to give our students the chance to find out more about the opportunities studying somewhere like Oxford University can offer. Carr Hill pupils were able to speak to current students about their course choices and see where they could be sitting lectures.

10 Carr Hill students took part in the trip and enjoyed a tour of the university buildings by Brasenose college students, a visit and lunch at Brasenose College, including a tour of the college, and a taster lecture on evolution.

Year 10 student Jack was one of the pupils to go on the trip. He said: "It was a really good experience as we got to look around the university and learn about what you need to do to get into university. It was useful to find out that it isn't just about getting good grades as you also need to be enthusiastic about the subject you want to study and show that to the university you are applying to."  

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