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This year the theme for the day was ‘Light’ and students were invited to submit photography, artwork or poetry based on that theme. The photography entries were shortlisted and the final six were: Emily, Ellie, Damyn-Lee, Rachel (photographed) Jordan and James.   

Assistant Headteacher Mr Napier was responsible for selecting the winner and runner up of the comeptition. Mr Napier selected Ellie as the winner and James as the runner-up. Mr Napier said: 

"Ellie's entry in the competition made great use of light and shadow to emphasise the theme of the competition.  The entry is particularly powerful in black and white and demonstrates the emotion within the subject.  The entry stood out during the judging as the use of light in the photograph allowed emotion to be clearly visible in the subject, whilst the absence of light (in aspects of the photograph) conceals some of the emotion from the viewer.  The competing components of light and dark are particularly powerful and highlight the importance of light to make the emotion visible for the viewer.  This was a superb entry that demonstrated good use of skill and technique.

"James' Entry in the competition uses light to convey colour and reflection within the subject matter.  The aspect of the photograph includes a range of elements within the landscape and draws the viewer's attention to point in the photograph where the dry land meets the water.  The framing of the sky and reflection within the water emphasises the combination of the elements with success.  The light (and reflected light) is captured beautifully in this entry and James's entry was highly commended during the judging of the competition."

All the shortlisted entries are below 

photography 2015

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