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Students selected four subjects of their choice and attended lessons designed to give them an idea of the topics they could be covering should they chose that subject at AS and A-Level. Pupils took part in interactive challenges and experiments, team work tasks and much more.

In engineering students teamed up in pairs to create a buggy. The buggy had to be as low cost as possible whilst managing to travel faster than any other buggy created during the session. The activity aimed to get students thinking about design, production and cost. Year 11 student Brad, who is currently completing a GCSE in Engineering, said: “I enjoy the practical side of the GCSE lessons and plan to continue studying Engineering next year. I think the smaller class sizes and the knowledge the teachers have makes a big difference to how much you learn.”

Meanwhile, in biology students were taking part in a practical task which focused on the surface area to volume ratio, whilst in history the Tudors were the topic of discussion.  In Art students created celebrity portraits in the style of the artist Vince Low and in maths the topic of choice was Differentiation.

Year 11 Millie took part in one of the photography taster sessions. Millie said: “Today we have been looking at taking photos of different types of objects and learning to use the different functions on the cameras. It’s been really good and the lesson has been very varied.”

In physics students were busy measuring the speed of waves whilst pupils considering studying psychology were analysing and evaluating stereotypes of gender characteristics.”

Assistant Headteacher, Miss Clancy, said: “The taster day is an opportunity for our students to experience everything the sixth form has to offer from the excellent courses to the modern facilities. The lessons are designed to give our pupils an idea of what they can learn on courses of interest to them. They are also able to experience the common room and wear their own non-uniform clothes giving them a genuine feel for sixth form life."

“I would encourage any of our current Year 11s to speak to me, Miss Stott or one of the Sixth Form teachers should they require any further information.”

Year 11 Taster Day

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