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Students have been walking around school with pride this week after receiving their achievement badges at the College Celebration events.

This was the first of three annual award ceremonies which are held in school throughout the year and allowed members of staff to reward students for their achievements in the first half term of school. Just over 200 certificates and badges were handed out for academic success, exemplary behaviour and 100% attendance.

The College Celebration events are now an established part of school life, giving students the motivation to work hard and take pride in themselves, their college and the school.

Lauren Wyatt from Year 9 received awards for Exemplary Behaviour and 100% Attendance on Monday and she told us “I feel really proud of my awards and my mum was proud and pleased too. I’d like to get an Academic Award in Expression at the end of the year but there will be tough competition as only 24 awards are given out in the whole school. I’m working really hard in my classes to try and make sure I have a good chance.”

Carr Hill High School put a lot of emphasis on ensuring young people feel ‘Proud to Belong’ both to their individual college and the school, as well as the wider community. The regular College Celebration events help to reinforce this philosophy as Mr Davidson, College Leader, explains:

“The College Celebration events allow us to reward students who are hard-working, polite, well behaved, smartly dressed and who contribute to their college and the school. The winning pupils act as role models to their peers and inspire other students to mirror their positive attitude. Pupils are proud of their achievements and feel proud to display their badges on their uniforms.”

For year 7 students, this was their first chance to attend the awards event which proved to be an inspiring start to their time at Carr Hill High School, as Jack Tickle told us: “I won a Proud to Belong badge this time. I really enjoyed the awards ceremony and I want to get lots more badges in future.”

The next awards event will be held in February and students are already working hard towards attaining their goals.

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