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STUDENTS will be playing a range of music when Carr Hill holds a concert next Friday night.

The joint concert is being performed by the Lancashire Schools’ Jazz Orchestra and Kirkham Music Centre and is being performed in Carr Hill’s Dove Theatre.

Over a dozen students from Carr Hill are members of the band at Kirkham Music Centre along with young people from other local schools in the area. Instruments including: flutes, drums, cornets, trumpets, clarinets and the saxophone will make up the band next Friday night, accompanied by a choir.

Kirkham Music Centre will be performing five pieces on the night including Lady Gaga’s famous hit ‘Just Dance’. The concert is open to all and tickets are £5 on the door – children can attend free with an adult.

Year 10 student, Katie Finch plays the Cornet and is a part of the Lancashire Youth Brass Band.

She said: “I really enjoy playing in the band as I’ve met loads of new people.

“I’m looking forward to the concert on Friday as I really enjoy playing. I always feel relieved, happy and proud when I’ve finished playing because I know that people enjoy watching and hearing the music.”

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