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This has been a particularly tricky half term, with most of our students learning remotely and juggling high expectations of work and attendance, live lessons and completing work that has been set. In order to allow the students who need to catch up, time to do so, it was decided that the last two periods for today would be allocated catch up or fun activity time. The students who were in school, children of critical workers or those who need additional support, enjoyed a range of activities. We hope the students working from home enjoyed some fun activities too. 

Year 7 did baking, Year 8 were orienteering, Year 9 were on the field building tents, with Years 10 and 11 enjoying a movie afternoon with popcorn. 

A selection of photos show the Year 7 activity, it seems lots of fun was had by all!

Activity Afternoon

Tents and Trangias

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