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With exam season fast approaching it’s time to bury our heads in the books and refresh our knowledge of all the information learnt over the last few years.  With a little organisation and adequate time you’ll be able to face the exams with confidence and the revision needn’t be as daunting as it sounds.


Many class teachers have organised subject based intervention sessions, revision booklets and past papers to get you started and, coupled with these top tips, they could be the winning formula you need to achieve the grades you deserve:


  1. Give yourself enough time: This is an obvious one.  Start early, the longer you have the more you’ll retain.
  2. Draw up a revision timetable: Alternate 45 minute blocks of studying with 10 minute breaks between blocks.  Use the breaks to make a drink, get some fresh air, or go for a quick walk.
  3. Rewrite your notes:  Don’t just read them.  Research has shown that re-writing notes helps you retain more information. Whittle the amount of content down each time until you can work from flashcards.
  4. Call on family and friends to test you: Get them to ask you questions as speaking it out helps you retain more, and they can correct you if you’re wrong.
  5. Get enough sleep:  This is vital! Brain recall becomes stronger after having adequate sleep. Go to bed at a decent hour.


Finally take a deep breath. It’s very hard to remember anything when you’re in panic mode. Plan ahead, work hard and do your best.


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