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RUNNING 26.2 miles may sound like a nightmare for most people but for one man at Carr Hill it will soon be a reality.

Parent Governor, Mr Steve Throup, will be running the gruelling course of the London Marathon this coming weekend even after previously saying that he would “Never, ever, ever do another marathon again”.

Usually it can take a few attempts to get a place on the marathon and every year tens of thousands of runners are unsuccessful in securing a place but luckily for Steve when he applied last May he won a ballot entry on his first attempt for the 2013 Virgin London Marathon.

And Steve is running for a good cause.

He said: “Cancer is a disease which has touched my life and has impacted the lives of other family members, friends and work colleagues. So I focus on charities which research Cancer and provide help and support to people with the illness.”

Cancer charities Cancer Research, Teenage Cancer Trust and Macmillan will be receiving Steve’s sponsor money to help fund their exceptional research into the disease. Although Steve will be enduring the pain of training for the famous race, he knows that any pain he will suffer will be temporary when many others suffering from cancer are less fortunate.

To support Steve please visit:

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