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At Carr Hill High School we work to ensure your child has a successful transition from primary education to secondary education. We understand how important it is for a child to feel happy and confident about the changes ahead and so provide an effective transition programme. Care is taken from an early stage to prepare students for the transition from primary school to secondary school.

We start working with pupils in Year 5, providing our local primary school students with the opportunity to visit Carr Hill High School for an introduction to secondary school life. The following year pupils usually return for a more in-depth visit which expands on their previous experience. These Students benefit from a full day in school with lesson tasters and the opportunity to sample school facilities such as the canteen.

As a well-respected school, a percentage of students from outside of our core catchment area are included within our yearly intake. We appreciate that joining a new school as a student, who doesn’t know anyone is daunting so we make extra arrangements to help these pupils settle in. Students are offered additional support and will be invited on extended visits along with other pupils who are in a similar position. There is extra support available for SEND students and their parents, with the opportunity to arrange additional meetings with specialist school staff to ensure all students’ individual needs are understood and met.


Your Journey to Joining…

We know preparation is key, so here’s what to expect from the time you receive your school allocation, to the 1st day at Carr Hill High School.


  • Introduction from Our Headteacher
    A personal letter to welcome you and outline what to expect in the coming months.
  • Welcome Pack Sent
    As well as a microsoft form to complete with your details, this includes key information about Carr Hill High School, uniform guidelines, important forms, and key dates for the year.
  • Tours and Meet the Headteacher
    Students and parents/carers are invited to organise individual tours and meet with Mr Layzell (March – July available).
  • Information Gathering
    Mr Penney (Head of Year 7) starts the work on gathering academic, personal and character information from Year 6 teachers.

April – May

  • Visits from Head of Year 7
    Mr Penney visits each primary school to meet students and discuss more vulnerable students needs with primary school staff, including support staff and SENDCO. (Planned for w/c 28th April).
  • Visits from Headteacher
    Mr Layzell will attend primary schools (after the school day) for Q&A sessions about Carr Hill. (Futher details will be communicated by your Primary School)


  • Year 6 Taster Day
    Thursday 3rd July 2025 is a full-day visit where students will meet their new classmates and teachers and get a taste of school life. (More information can be found in your welcome letter)
  • Parent Information Evening
    An in-person session to discuss timetables, transport, uniform, and how we support students during the transition and throughout their journey at Carr Hill High School.


  • Final Reminders
    We’ll send out a reminder about start dates, uniform and equipment checks and what to bring on your first day.
  • Summer School
    18th – 29th August: Summer school helps smooth the transition by building confidence, making friends and getting familiar with the school building. It also reinforces key academic skills to ensure a strong start in September. Please email with the student name and the dates they will be attending. (Please remember to pack a lunch.  This will be provided for Pupil Premium students).

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some Frequently Asked Questions for Parents and Students Starting in September.  All of this information will be included in your packs and upcoming visits and sessions, however if you need further clarification after this, don’t hesitate to get in touch via our dedicated email address:

When does the school term start?

The new school term starts on 2nd September 2025 Students should arrive by 8:45 for line ups, on the first day.

What time does the school day begin and end?

The school day currently begins at 8:50 and ends at 3:15 After-school clubs and activities may extend beyond this time. Click here for the latest information.

What equipment will I need on my first day?

Students should bring a school bag, basic stationery (pens, pencils, ruler, eraser, notebook), and any required forms. A timetable will be provided on the first day.

What is the school uniform policy?

Students must wear the official school uniform, please see our dedicated Uniform Webpage

How does the school communicate with parents?

We use emails, text messages, and School Synergy to share updates. Important announcements will also be available on our website and social media. Details for signing up to School Synergy will be included in your joining pack.

What meals are available at school?

The school provides a selection of hot and cold meals. Students can also bring packed lunches. More information can be found on our Catering Webpage

What are the transport options for students?

A school bus service is available on certain routes; please contact the office for details.

How can students get involved in extracurricular activities?

We offer a variety of clubs, sports teams, and enrichment programs. A full list will be shared at the start of term, and students can sign up through their form tutors. These will, also, be advertised around school and our Social Media accounts.

What support is available for students who need help?

We provide academic support through homework clubs, mentoring programs, and additional learning sessions. Students can speak to their teachers or the pastoral team if they need assistance of any nature.

How does the school handle bullying?

We have a strict anti-bullying policy. Any concerns should be reported to a teacher, form tutor, or the pastoral team immediately.

Who should I contact with any specific concerns, prior to starting at Carr Hill?

Throughout this transition period, you can email or call the main office and we will be happy to help with your queries.

I was very cautious about my daughter joining Carr Hill as its reputation at the time was not a great one, and my expectations were low. However, one year on and under the new Headship of Mr Layzell, the school is quickly being turned around into a positive and supportive learning environment which is listening to all its community members including the parents and making swift changes where necessary. All for the better.

I can only encourage parents who might be sitting on the fence with their choice of school to look around Carr Hill, speak to current parents and students as there are a lot of supportive families behind the new changes. The trajectory of the school is incredibly positive. I am convinced Carr Hill will surprise us all in the future - for all the right reasons. And I am looking forward to being part of it with my entire family.

Year 8 Parent

I have really valued reading your 'you said, we did' posts. It's so comforting to know that you have a handle on things and a plan to move teaching and learning forward. I was so worried about sending my daughter to Carr Hill but even in the short time that she has been there, I already feel reassured. What a time to be at Carr Hill! Things are going in the right direction and I appreciate the strong leadership that you have brought to the school.

Year 7 Parent

My daughter enjoys attending school and regularly comes home excited to tell me about her day. She enjoys all her lessons, but since joining Carr Hill has enjoyed the different technologies, English, Science and PE.
As a parent I am very impressed with the communication from school and the award systems in place to celebrate progress and achievement. I also like to use the Synergy app to award my child at home.

Year 8 Parent

Three years ago, Carr Hill had quite the name for itself when it came to the daunting task of choosing a high school for my child. Needless to say, it wasn't our first choice, it was however, the choice we were given. How wrong we were to worry!
My child has absolutely flourished since starting high school and the changes Mr Layzell is introducing are only cementing this. Childrens happiness, education and parental feedback are at the heart of all these improvements and we can't wait to see what else there is in store.
I have another child, due to start high school this September and have absolutely no hesitations about sending them to Carr Hill and know they're going to receive the best education.

Year 9 Parent

The support received from the new school Headteacher, Head of Year and Mentor has been fantastic, both for myself and my son.
The changes that have been/ are being implemented are refreshing and encouraging. Only positive and encouraging things from me as the parent of a new year 7 pupil

Year 7 Parent

Our daughter has had an excellent start on her high school journey at Carr Hill. New leadership is having a positive impact across the whole school creating a new and improved culture for all children where high expectations are at the core.

Year 7 Parent
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