Please find attached the final report from the recent Ofsted inspection, which confirmed that:
‘The school and members of the Governing Body’ have brought about some positive changes since the previous inspection’.
While we are disappointed that the school is still judged Requires Improvement, it is clear from the report that many positive developments were recognised by the inspection team and that the progress identified shows we have continued to improve from the last report. I encourage you to read the text not just the headlines because one-word judgements do have their limits.
A number of effective areas were highlighted in the report and showed that our school:
- Has effective safeguarding
- Has raised expectations of pupils’ achievement
- Offers trusted adults that pupils can go to for support
- Has improved pupils’ conduct in lessons
- Has developed opportunities for pupil leadership roles
- Has developed subject curriculums ‘to ensure that the knowledge that pupils need to learn is identified clearly’
- Is one where ‘in the main, pupils respond positively to the new behaviour management system’
- Is one which has reading ‘as a high priority’ and where pupils who find reading difficult benefit from support that helps them to overcome gaps in their reading knowledge’
- Is one where ‘the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs ‘are accurately identified’ and where ‘their needs are well met’
- Takes appropriate action to address absence
- Has a carefully designed Personal Social Health Education curriculum ‘to develop pupils’ awareness of personal safety and healthy living’
- Offers helpful careers advice to help students ‘make well informed decisions about their next steps’
Full copy of the letter can be seen here
Ofsted Monitoring Inspection Outcome 2023
On May 18th we had a monitoring visit by Ofsted and the result of that has now been sent to us. This was not an inspection that could change the overall grade of the school and so for now that has to remain the same. However we are very pleased with the outcome of the visit and it is clear that a lot of progress has been made since the last inspection. I would encourage you to read the whole letter because it is overwhelmingly positive and encouraging. The letter states that:
- Leaders have made progress to improve the school
- The curriculum is increasingly ambitious
- We have invested in SEN and this increased capacity has enabled the school ‘to focus more closely on improving the quality of education for this group.’ We have ensured that pupils with SEND ‘have access to a wide range of learning experiences’ and students with SEND are ‘achieving more highly than they have done in the past’
- The school is seeing the impact of actions taken after the last inspection
- As a result of actions taken students are knowing more and remembering more
- We have further developed strategies that were already in place to support students who find reading difficult
- We have embedded the behaviour policy
- Students were clear that expectations for their behaviour are higher
- Actions taken ‘have enabled you to continually improve pupils’ experiences at school’
We are given two areas to focus on:
We are asked to ensure that the curriculum is delivered consistently well and that we support the small number of students who are not meeting the high expectations of behaviour to improve.
These were areas that we were already aware of and working on. Quality assurance shows good delivery of an ambitious curriculum in most areas of the school and we know where we need to improve. I am pleased that the inspector recognised that the majority of students get it right day in day out and that it is only a small number who are struggling with the high expectations. Nevertheless we need to continue to work with those students, support and challenge them so that their behaviours improve and do not have an impact on the learning and wellbeing of others.
As a school we have always worked to improve continuously and it is really pleasing to see that being recognised by Ofsted.
Ofsted Monitoring Inspection Letter
Ofsted Report 2021
“The final report following the Ofsted inspection has now arrived and will be published on the Ofsted website in the next couple of days. I attach a copy for you. I can only encourage you please to read all of the text and not just look at the judgements because the description of the school is very positive. Ofsted says that ‘Pupils told inspectors that this is a school that is continually improving. Most pupils are happy at Carr Hill High School and are keen to learn. Older pupils said that they ‘learn more now than they did in the past’.
The report confirms that your child attends a school where:
- Pupils say ‘it is a safe place to be’
- ‘Poor behaviour in class is rare’
- ‘Pupils concentrate well on their work in lessons’
- ‘Leaders have high expectations of pupils’ and ‘want all pupils to do well in their future lives’
- ‘Leaders and Governors are improving the quality of education for pupils’
- ‘There is a ‘successful reading curriculum’ to help pupils catch up’
- ‘Leaders’ identification of SEND is accurate’
- Pupils ‘attend school regularly’ and ‘are punctual’
- ‘Leaders ensure a strong culture of safeguarding’
- ‘Pupils receive appropriate relationships, sex and health education’
- ‘Leaders have a wide and varied programme of extra-curricular activities to match pupils’ interests’
- ‘Pupils ‘receive information about the full range of education and training options open to them’ (referring to Post 16)”
Full copy of the letter can be seen here –
Previous Ofsted Reports
The inspection was carried out by one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors and four additional inspectors.
October 2012
The inspection was carried out by one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors and four additional inspectors.
November 2009
The inspection was carried out by one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors and four additional inspectors.
Paper copies of all documents can be requested via the school reception.