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Curriculum Vision

In our pursuit of excellence we have high expectations for all. We are committed to ensuring that all our young people have access to a challenging, engaging, broad curriculum which is explicit in the way knowledge is taught and implicit in the experiences shared and the quality of relationships. Our curriculum has been developed with the ambition that each and every student in the school will become:

  • A committed, successful learner making excellent progress in a range of subjects
  • An aspirational individual achieving the necessary qualifications, skills and qualities for their further education and employment
  • A resilient, confident young person who is able to live a safe and healthy life
  • A respectful, responsible citizen who makes a positive contribution to society


Principles behind the vision

The principles underpinning our approach to education are:

  • That every learning year and subject is valuable
  • The development of oracy, literacy, vocabulary and numeracy so that all can access the curriculum
  • A commitment to offer a broad range of subjects with clear guidance for all students in the development of their personal curriculum
  • The promotion of student responsibility for their own learning and progress
  • The promotion of the physical and mental health of students as well as their social, moral, cultural, spiritual development
  • The promotion of fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, liberty and tolerance
  • The provision of a coherent careers education
  • The development of student awareness, knowledge, learning and experience through high quality classroom and extra curricular opportunities
  • Allowing all to experience success through a wide variety of school opportunities
  • That appropriate behaviour is modelled by all through positive interactions in school
  • That learning is a partnership between home, school and the wider community



In Key Stage 3, all students study a broad range of subjects. Modern Foreign Language (MFL) alternates by year (e.g. year 9 2023-24 study Spanish while Year 8 study French. There is the possibility of picking up the alternative language in Year 10. However from September 2023, all new intake students will just study Spanish at KS3. Technology is taught through a carousel of lessons. Dance is taught through the PE curriculum.

In Key Stage 4 all students must study an EBACC qualification (History, Geography, MFL or Computer Science) along with the core subjects (Maths, English, Science) and Religious Studies.  Around the top 40% of the year are expected to take 2 EBACC qualifications including a Modern Foreign Language but a foreign language is available to all students. The top ability students take the three separate Sciences and everyone else takes the Combined Science Award worth 2 GCSEs. An alternative pathway is arranged for a small number of students which consists of additional English and Maths and an ASDAN qualification or external alternative provision.

The structure of the taught curriculum is as follows with 50 periods over a two week timetable:

Years 7 & 8 Year 9 Years 10 & 11
periods periods periods
English 8 8 English 8
Maths 8 8 Maths 8
Science 6 9 Science 12
History 4 3 RS 5
Geography 4 3 PE 2
MFL (French or Spanish ) 5 4 Option 1 (Ebacc) 5
RS 2 2 Option 2 5
Performing Arts (Music & Drama) 2 2 Option 3 5
Technology 3 3
PE 4 4
Computing 2 2
Art 2 2



Personal, Social, Health and Economic education is taught on a weekly basis, every Monday as a continuation of Mentor time. Students will experience several themes each year.

The themes are:

  • Citizenship
  • Financial awareness
  • Relationships & sex education
  • Careers
  • Drugs education
  • Personal wellbeing


The Curriculum is designed to be appropriate for all students at Carr Hill and there is close liaison between the school and primary schools to ensure continuity of learning. Equality of opportunity for students with SEND and who require additional support is important and there is an organised programme of literacy and numeracy catch up as well as in-class and small group support.

All students have access to the full range of Key stage 4 qualifications apart from a small group where, in discussion with parents and carers, it is agreed that an alternative provision is more appropriate to meet the needs of the individual.

For further information about Carr Hill High School’s curriculum please contact Deputy Headteacher Miss A Jordinson on 01772 682008 or email –

“You have taken decisive action to review and improve the curriculum. It is increasingly ambitious. In some subjects, you have redesigned the curriculum from scratch. In other subjects, you have made appropriate modifications to the curriculum that was already in place. You have ensured that staff have a secure understanding of the knowledge that pupils must learn in each subject.”

Ofsted 2023

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