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It’s not often that young people get to hear directly from the United Nations. Now is your chance. Tomorrow, United Nations Leaders and Teen Stars Invite Young People all around the world to Reimagine the World Post COVID-19. The United Nations wants everyone to reimagine the world using the Global Goals as the starting point and tomorrow will premier the World’s Largest Lesson Live on YouTube.


Tuesday 16th June - 4pm (UK time) on YouTube


This global broadcast for teenagers is just one lesson long! A 35 minute show featuring United Nations leaders including Amina J Mohammed, Deputy Secretary General of the UN. They are joined by teen stars Millie Bobby Brown, Sofia Carson and students from across the world. They will all invite young people to take part in reimagining education, health and activism.

  • What do we all want education to be like?
  • How can we create a world where everyone is healthy?
  • How can young people help shape what happens next?


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