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Young Person Director / Young Person Consultants

Achieve, Change and Engagement (A.C.E) is a charity that supports young people to improve their emotional / mental health and build resilience. A.C.E are looking to recruit a Young Person Director and Young Person Consultants.

Do you have what it takes? Find out more here. 

Young Person Consultants - They are looking for young people across the Wyre, Fylde and Lancaster Districts who would help to ensure that A.C.E grows to meet the mental health needs of young people and influences local decision making around mental health. If you are aged between 14 and 18 you can apply for this role. Read more here.

Young Person Director - Directors have responsibility for the success of the charity including the setting of the business strategy and plan and for monitoring and evaluating performance. They are looking for a young person director aged between 15 and 18. Read more here.



10 - 10 Support

Remember, A.C.E are available 10am - 10pm - phone number is 0800 144 8461 and the e-mail is More information can be found on their website -

Click here to access a flyer with all the details - A.C.E 10-10 Flyer

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