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COVID-19 is having a huge impact on the way most of us live our lives. Staying at home, not being able to go out and see friends or family, and not being able to do the things we usually do, can affect us in different ways. We might feel concerned or upset by the news, or by things we hear or read about online. It might make us feel isolated, lonely, angry, or depressed about the future. Some of us might have thoughts of hurting ourselves, as a way of controlling our emotions, or wanting a release from how we feel.

Self-harm, or self-injury, describes a wide range of things people deliberately do to themselves that appear to cause some kind of physical hurt. If you are thinking about hurting yourself, it is important to know that you are not alone. You can still get the right support and help you need during the COVID-19 outbreak. This newsletter explains self-harm, including possible causes, tips for helping yourself, and guidance for friends and family.

Lancashire Mind newsletter - Support with Self-harm

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