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On Thursday our students were tasked with learning more about VE Day which happened 75 years ago. They were asked to complete activities including researching some family history, writing a poem or trying some 1940s style baking using old recipes, to learn more about VE Day and the end of World War II in Europe. Students were then asked to join the nation on Friday 8th May to stay at home and celebrate VE Day 75, with a toast/afternoon tea at 3pm, watching the coverage on TV or even a sing-a-long to "We'll meet again" with neighbours at 9pm. 

We have been overwhelmed with photos of the work that was completed by students and well done to all who took part to celebrate this momentous occasion, in extremely difficult circumstances.


A special thank you to - 

Sophie (Year 7) who created some bunting and posters to decorate the house, can be seen here holding her brothers' CCF military hat which was also on display


Harry (Year 8) and Edward (Year 10) who baked some yummy treats, made some bunting and decorated the house



Leila (Year 9) has been busy making bunting, a poster and window displays




Ella (Year 9) made a lovely VE Day 75 poster


Maddie (Year 8) and Declan (Year 7) have been busy making bunting, and singing along with the neighbours at 9pm to "We'll meet again"



Artwork by Oliver


Bunting and window displays by Mercia and Luke (Year 7)



Artistic creations by Jacob and Charlotte



Poem by Alfred 


Poem by Isaac


Factual poster created by Andrew


Vintage 1940s meal made by Erin


Poster by Eva (Year 8) and bunting made as a family effort



Scones made by Amelie (Year 7), Jammie biscuits made by Eva (Year 8) and a traditional afternoon tea at 3pm in the garden



Ralfs (Year 7) looking very dapper


Charlotte (Year 7) made scarecrows, Dorris and Derrick, welcome home Derrick



Nathan (Year 10) has made some vintage bunting and baked an amazing VE Day 75 cake


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